Consortium Meeting in Bologna

The BioMembrOS Project Team gathered at Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna for an engaging two-day consortium meeting, packed with insightful discussions, project updates, and strategic planning. This meeting was even more special as it came right after our one-year anniversary—a milestone worth celebrating!We wrapped up the event with a fantastic dinner together—great food, great company, and inspiring conversations.A big thank you to everyone who participated. Here’s to another year of innovation, collaboration and great teamwork!

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European Researchers Night 2024

On 27th September 2024 we had the opportunity to present the BioMembrOS project at the European Researchers’ Night 2024. We were represented by Professor Mónica Faria with the Support of Post Doc Rita Pires, Phd Student Flavia Rodrigues and Master Students Margarida Valente and Johanna Grimm. Thanks to their help, the booth ran smoothly during the whole evening.Our booth was set up at "Pavilhão do Conhecimento" (Pavilion of Knowledge) and we were present  from 6pm until midnight. With approximately 1800 event attendees, the night was a success.In our booth visitors were  able to see and interact with a lab-scale extracorporeal (false) blood  circulation setup, fabricate flat sheet membranes and become familiar  with the project.

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Euromembrane 2024

BioMembrOS was at the Euromembrane 2024 Conference in Prague, Czech Republic, 08.-12.09.2024.We really enjoyed the exchange of ideas with so many different people and listened to some great presentations.

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Consortium Meeting

Our second Consortium meeting took place at Técnico Lisboa in Portugal. Over two days we had a lot of productive talks and interesting presentations in the beautiful meeting room and enjoyed Dinner together. A tour of the labs was the perfect way to end the day.A big thank you to Instituto Superior Técnico for hosting our meeting and especially to Maria Norberta Pinho for all her efforts to make our stay unforgettable. We had a wonderful time.

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BioMembrOS Kick-Off Meeting

The Kick-Off meeting of the BioMembrOS Pathfinder Open project took place at TU Wien this week.Thanks to all partners for the inspiring presentations and stimulating discussions and thanks to our Vice Rector for Research Peter Ertl for joining us!BioMembrOS is an EIC Pathfinder Project aiming to develop a new generation of radically new membrane structures for artificial respiration by mimicking the best – respiration in birds and fish, and is coordinated by the interfaculty TU Wien Biofluidslab.

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