Obituary Viriato Semião

It is with great sadness that we announce the sudden passing of Viriato Semião on January 31, 2025. His death has left an irreplaceable void in our professional community, where his contributions, mentorship, and leadership have had a lasting impact.Viriato was a distinguished professor for mechanical engineering at Instituto Técnico Lisboa with a strong focus on experimental and computational fluid mechanics. Inspired by the excellent research in membrane separations at IST, Viriato developed a passion for membranes, and the fluid dynamic analysis and optimization of membrane modules in particular. Viriato has always been known for his exceptional intellect, dedication, and unwavering professionalism. His work was marked by a pursuit of excellence, continuously inspiring those around him. With quiet strength and thoughtful guidance, he played a pivotal role in numerous successful research projects. Whether leading teams through complex challenges or offering support to colleagues, he instilled confidence and respect.Despite his many accomplishments, Viriato led with humility, focusing on the success of his colleagues and the betterment of the work. His ability to nurture talent, share knowledge, and foster collaboration earned deep respect from all who worked with him. During the first project year of BioMembrOS, Viriato not only actively contributed his exceptional expertise in fluid dynamics and mass transfer to the progress of our research – he also challenged our concepts by raising the right questions at the right time. And with his scientific expertise and experience, he always had a solution or an idea at hand – mentoring, inspiring and guiding our younger researchers.His sudden passing has left us heartbroken. Viriato’s legacy of excellence, integrity, and kindness will continue to inspire us. He was a colleague, mentor, and friend whose influence will never be forgotten. Our thoughts are with his family.Rest in peace, Viriato. You will be deeply missed.

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Young Scientists Symposium 2024

On November 6th, 2024, we participated in the Young Scientists Symposium in Klosterneuburg, an event dedicated to fostering collaboration among early-career researchers. Our team presented two posters, "Multi objective Optimization of Hollow Fiber Membrane Oxygenators Arrangement Using Modified Enhanced Jaya Algorithm" and "Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport Modeling in Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenators with Sinusoidal Fiber Morphology" including our work on the BioMembrOS Project, highlighting key advancements and engaging in discussions with fellow scientists.To further promote our research, we distributed leaflets, providing attendees with insights into our project and encouraging future collaborations. The symposium served as an excellent platform for networking, exchanging ideas, and strengthening interdisciplinary connections.We look forward to future opportunities to engage with the scientific community and continue driving innovation.

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Michael Harasek

We want to congratulate our Technical Manager Michael Harasek warmly  for being  appointed University Professor for Material Separation Technology and Biorefinery Technology at the Institute of Chemical, Environmental and Bioscience Engineering at the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at the TU Wien.He is Head of the research group ‘Fluid Dynamic Simulation and Thermal Process Engineering’ and has been head of the research area ‘Thermal Process Engineering and Simulation’ since 2015. In addition to his academic activities, he co-founded a company to promote developments in the fields of separation technology, modelling and simulation.

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European Researchers Night 2024

On 27th September 2024 we had the opportunity to present the BioMembrOS project at the European Researchers’ Night 2024. We were represented by Professor Mónica Faria with the Support of Post Doc Rita Pires, Phd Student Flavia Rodrigues and Master Students Margarida Valente and Johanna Grimm. Thanks to their help, the booth ran smoothly during the whole evening.Our booth was set up at "Pavilhão do Conhecimento" (Pavilion of Knowledge) and we were present  from 6pm until midnight. With approximately 1800 event attendees, the night was a success.In our booth visitors were  able to see and interact with a lab-scale extracorporeal (false) blood  circulation setup, fabricate flat sheet membranes and become familiar  with the project.

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Euromembrane 2024

BioMembrOS was at the Euromembrane 2024 Conference in Prague, Czech Republic, 08.-12.09.2024.We really enjoyed the exchange of ideas with so many different people and listened to some great presentations.

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ERS Congress 2024

BioMembrOS at the ERS Congress in Vienna!With many inspiring discussions and presentations, we are happy to see a number of applications where we hope to be able to assist with our research in the close future.This was also the first time we distributed our brand new leaflet!

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Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Post-Doctoral Research FellowshipTecnico Lisboa is offering a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship for the BioMembrOS Project in the Scientific Areas of Thermofluids and Energy Conversion Technologies or Chemical Engineering Sciences.Please submit you applications to until July 29th 2024.Admission Requirements:to hold a PhD degree obtained in the 3 years previously to the submission of the fellowship application; to have carried out the research work that led to the PhD degree in a different entity from the host institution ofthe fellowship;not to exceed, with this fellowship contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of 3 yearsin this type of fellowship, continuously or with interruptions;not to have previously held a post-doctoral fellowship from IST.Workplan:Viscosity characterization of fluids used in experiments (deionised water, plasma and animal blood).Flow visualisation within specific microdevices (mimicking fibre membranes of MBO (membrane blood oxygenators)), with deionised water and/or plasma, acquiring images with a CMOS (complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor) camera mounted on a microscope, and digital image processing to quantify the mixing level based on each pixel colour intensity.Measurement of flow velocities within the same specific microdevices, with deionised water and/or plasma, using micro-PIV.Visualisation and characterisation of animal blood flows within the same specific microdevices, acquiring images with a CMOS camera mounted on a microscope, and digital image processing.CFD modelling of the above-mentioned flows. Modelling & Optimization of flows and mixing inside microdevices mimicking fibre membranes sets with recourse to relevant parameters such as mimicking fibres shapes, arrangements, number and sizes, fluids properties, mass flow rate, mass transfer rates of O2 and CO2, etc.Modelling and optimization of parameters of the system using machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms. Assist the IST research team in the preparation of technical reports, presentations, and meetings, as well as the purchasing process of materials and services required for the development of the project according to plan.Duration & Allowance:The research fellowship will have a duration of 12 months. It is expected to begin in September 2024 andmay eventually be renewed up to the maximum of 36 months, including the duration of the initial contract. The monthly mainenance Allowance is € 1801,00.Find more Information at 

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ESB 2024

Margit Gföhler, Georgios Aronis and Seyyed Hossein Monsefi Estakhrposhti represented us at the 29th Congress of European Society of Biomechanics in Edinburgh, Scotland from 30th June to 3rd July 2024.Margit Gföhler and Georgios Aronis have been invited to be Chair and Co-Chair of the Session "Ergonomics and occupational biomechanics + humanoid robotics and mechatronics"Georgios and Seyyed held two presentations:S. H. Monsefi, M. Harasek, M. Gfoehler: "Oxygen transport modeling in extracorporeal membrane oxygenators with sinusoidal fiber morphology"G. Aronis, M. Gföhler, T. Angeli: "Effect of upper limb Exoskeleton on muscular activity of the user"

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Last week we were finally able to move the PIV Setup to our new Lab with help from TSI Specialist Dr Amine Koched. Together we could calibrate the System and conduct first Experiments.



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